To do:
Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003

Well, after a solid week of calls by the SAME GUY from AT&T at 9:30 every morning, I am FINALLY off their calling list.

More stuff that needs to be done: Needing to clean an apartment that's already clean. By this, I mean having to dust and vacuum when your apartment is already presentable, but covered with a film of dust and cat hair. I must say, though, it sure does make me feel better. I have a dirty little secret - I love cleaning and laundry and stuff. I love the immediate results factor. Give me a kitchen full of dirty dishes and I can SEE results as I work. What else in life gives you such immediate gratification? I like being able to open the blinds, pull out the screen patio door, open the windows, turn on the music, and letting the dust fly, and watching the room get clean.

My car is a disaster area. I was digging around in the back seat and found Christmas wrapping paper back there. Know what that means? It was back there so long I forgot it was there to use to wrap Christmas presents. Which means it's been back there for a good 6 months. Which means I haven't cleaned the backseat of my car in at least that long. I'm going to go out there with a box and shovel it all into the box and sort it out in the apartment.

All content � 2001, 2002, 2003 .:. MightyBruja