Sleep, blissful sleep
Monday, Apr. 01, 2002

As if our bed wasn't crowded enough already with two blanket hogging sprawling sleepers, the menagerie has taken to sharing the bed with us. Mark and I have gone to seperate blankets because neither of us can stand to have the sheets tucked in at the bottom of the bed, not to mention the fact that we both make a little blanket cocoon around ourselves every night. Our only prayer of sharing a single blanket is an oversized king bedspread.

I never have liked sleeping in a "properly" made bed. I can't even go even one night with the top sheet tucked in at the bottom. I am not a back sleeper. If I am sleeping on my back, something is not right with me. I'm likely sick or upset. I am a stomach sleeper most of the time, sometimes a side sleeper. I move around so much when I sleep that the top sheet either comes untucked because it's wrapped around me or it winds up on the floor at the foot of the bed. I don't even BOTHER with a top sheet 99% of the time. Every once in a while I will get a bug up my behind to completely make the bed, but not often.

I wish I had a king sized bed, but as we discovered when we moved in, the only place we could put it in the apartment is in the living room. We *barely* fit my queen sized bed in here as it was. The stairs are curved and the box springs will not fit around the corner. We had to hoist them up onto one of the balconies. The mattress squeezed up the stars because it flexes (yes, I know that's not good for it, but we had to). Ah well, when I'm rich, I'll have a bigger than king sized bed custom made for us. That way maybe we won't have strife caused by "you kicked me" or "you elbowed me in the face".


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