Mmmmm... rain....
Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002

I love the rain. Gentle showers or thunderstorms, doesn't matter - I love it. Watching lightning is fun. Rain lulls me to sleep. I sleep like a rock when it's raining. However, it makes it difficult for me to get up. Pair this with my still-new job schedule and it makes things difficult. My natural sleep tendencies are to snooze from about 2 or 3 am until about noon. I'm having to fight my body clock to get up at 5:45 and be functional for the half hour drive to work, and get there by 7. It rained all night, and I slept soundly, but damn, I'm sleepy this morning. I have a cup of coffee close at hand, and I rarely drink coffee. I bet it's going to be a loooong day. Is it naptime yet?


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