Friday, Sept. 06, 2002

AS you might know, I am currently living with my grandpa. His brother, who would be my great-uncle, wanders in from time to time and stays at Grandpa's. I'm not sure exactly what GU does, but he travels a LOT. He got back a week ago from 4 months in Europe. He's already driving me nuts.

My GU is hard to explain, because I don't understand him one iota. Neither does anyone else in my family. My mom once described him as an "odd duck", and that's as good a description as any. He has a rather grating personality, and it rubs me entirely the wrong way. He loves to argue. LOVES it. Everything has to be done HIS way. Last week, before he got back from Europe, I cleared all of my stuff out of the room he stays in (I was using it as my computer/sewing headquarters), washed the sheets and made the bed, vacuumed and dusted. Not 10 minutes after he got in the house, he was re-dusting the room. He also moved all my stuff around in the bathroom (which I also cleared and cleaned) and the kitchen. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

We are currently engaged in a thermostat war. He keeps bumping it up to 78, which is way too stuffy for me. It's not exactly hot, but I can't breathe. So I bump it down to 75, so the air moves a little more, and the cycle continues.

One time when he was mooching a bedroom from Grandpa, I was sweeping the kitchen while he was making a sandwich. He asked me "Do you guys eat peanut butter at your house?"

Me: Um, yeah

GU: "What kind do you eat?"

Me: Whatever Mom happens to buy - Skippy, Jif, Peter Pan, I don't really pay much attention.

GU: "That stuff is junk. You should use this stuff." (holds up a jar of "Old Fashioned Peanut Butter" - the glass jar of peanut paste with an inch of peanut oil on top) "It doesn't have all that added sugar and salt."

The other night, I came home and opened the cabinet. On the stack of plates, there was a bowl with half an onion in it. I picked up the bowl, not knowing there was a good amount of water in it, and sloshed onion water all over my shirt. GRRRRRRRR. His explanation was "I didn't want the cats to get to it." Now, Fat Boy does like canteloupe, but an onion? I don't know about that. I think the onion would be pretty safe.

All content � 2001, 2002, 2003 .:. MightyBruja