How I long for a CPAP....
Thursday, Nov. 21, 2002

I really need to find a new job, a job that gives me health insurance. I found out at the end of September that I have sleep apnea, which explains why I'm tired all the time. I haven't gotten the CPAP machine because out of pocket they run in the neighborhood of $2,000. I need the machine. Last night I fell asleep, fully clothed, at 5:30 pm and (over)slept until 6:45 this morning. This 12+ hour sleep session happens about once a week (and no, I'm not counting weekends here.) Most nights I get about 7 hours of sleep, so what's the deal? This wouldn't be so bad, except I don't feel awake when I AM awake. I'm tired of being tired, dammit.

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