Hanging out wiv my widdle bruvver
Saturday, Nov. 09, 2002

Joel, does that heading want to make you puke? Heh heh heh. Hi Joel!

My brother and I went out to eat and to a movie last night. We went to Joe's Crab Shack and had way too much yummy fried badness. Then we went to the movie theater and immediately felt old. Mind you, we still fall into the "spring chicken" category, being 18 and 21, but dayum. The teeming hordes of high school kids there made me feel ancient. This was the first time I've been out and had the thoughts of "Is my waitress old enough to be serving me alcohol?" and "None of this kids is old enough to be seeing a rated R movie without parental accompaniment, let alone smoking." We saw some gangsta wannabe in the neighborhood of 14 yell "Hey, Nietchze!" (pronounced nee-chee) and laughed at him for a few minutes. A young Britney clone amused us while waiting to get into the movie... we saw 8 Mile. If your idea of a love interest is someone you briefly screw in the midst of a bunch of heavy machinery, and think it's flattering for someone who looks like a heroin addict and dresses like a crack whore to tell you you're special, then the reviews are correct. Otherwise, it wasn't all that great of a movie.

We also saw a bumper sticker this morning that sparked some questions.

"If Mary were Pro-Choice, there wouldn't be CHRISTMAS".

I could go on about this for a good while, but here are my major points.

1. Just because someone is pro-choice doesn't mean they think every child should be aborted. Mary AGREED to have the baby, did she not?

2. Yes, every good Christian knows that Christmas is the most important holiday. NOT. That would be Easter.

All content � 2001, 2002, 2003 .:. MightyBruja